Women's History Month: Q&A with Marcie Berson
In celebration of Women's History Month, Grand Archon Tess Stovall sits down with a series of Phi Sigma Sigma sisters to share their stories, advice and how our sisterhood made a lasting impact in their lives. Read more stories, here.

Marcie Sabrin Berson is an alumna of the Beta Chapter at Tufts University and currently serves as treasurer on the Phi Sigma Sigma Foundation Board. She is also the sponsor of the Phi Sigma Sigma Foundation's Marcie Sabrin Berson Service Scholarship, which was introduced in 2021. Marcie retired in 2023 from her position as the Chief Operating Officer of and Co-Owner of Yellow Box Company, an e-commerce company specializing in shelf-stable beverages and foods.
For me, Marcie truly embodies the evolution of the alumna experience, demonstrating how it evolves as life shifts, and you continue to engage where you are most passionate. She is a long-time volunteer and has served in a number of different volunteer roles including serving as a chapter key advisor, member of the alumnae engagement committee, member of the NPC Delegation and on a number of other committees and task forces. As I’ve gotten to work closer with Marcie over the past couple of years, I can attest to the breadth of knowledge she brings to the table, both from her experience within the sorority as well as her diverse professional background and as an entrepreneur. She is a great mentor to so many sisters and is truly invested in their success, continuing to follow their journeys and provide support wherever possible. We’re lucky to have her as part of our amazing network of sisters!
Tess Stovall: To start us off, can you share how has Phi Sigma Sigma positively impacted your life?
Marcie Berson: Phi Sigma Sigma has brought so many positive things into my life. In college, it gave me a close group of sisters who supported each other, as well as the foundation to become more involved in campus life and develop my leadership skills.
After graduation and all of the years since, it has given me an outlet to volunteer, mentors who helped me learn and grow, and lifelong friendships.
TS: Tell me a little bit more aboutthat experience after graduation. How did you stay involved?
MB: I was lucky to have two chapter advisors – Jodi R.R. Smith and Marianne Seidman Cohen – who showed me that volunteering with Phi Sigma Sigma was a rewarding experience and encouraged me to stay involved after graduation. I filled out the volunteer interest form right after graduation and was selected to be part of the awards committee working with former Supreme Council member, Barbara Krich. That was my first step in volunteering and introduced me to the greater world of Phi Sigma Sigma.
TS: You mentioned several Phi Sig sisters who clearly had an impact as they helped jump start your volunteer journey. Can you tell me about another Phi Sigma Sigma sister who has had a significant influence in your life?
MB: I first met Past Grand Archon Josette George Kaufman when I was an undergraduate Panhellenic delegate. She coached me through handling a number of issues in our campus Panhellenic and gave me the courage to stand up for what I knew was right in the face of heavy opposition from the other chapters on campus.
Five years after graduation, I was appointed to serve with her on our NPC delegation and had the honor of serving alongside her for almost six years. Josette saw potential in me that I didn’t know I possessed. She taught me how to be diplomatic when negotiating tough issues and how to stick up for what is right. Josette also introduced me to the greater NPC community and showed me the power inherent in our organizations. Most importantly, Josette never hesitated to tell me when I’d done something wrong or encourage me when I was headed in the right direction. I knew, good or bad, Josette would always tell me her honest thoughts. I carry her lessons with me every day and try my best to encourage other sisters to recognize their potential in the same way Josette inspired me to recognize mine.
TS: I think Josette would be incredibly proud of where your Phi Sigma Sigma journey has brought you today. You’ve made an impact on so may sisters over the years and helped encourage dozens of other sisters to remain an integral part of the organization whether that’s volunteering or just remaining connected. What has volunteering given you in return and how has it enriched your life?
MB: At this point, I have volunteered with Phi Sigma Sigma for more than half of my life and I truly can’t imagine what my life would be like without volunteering. Having the opportunity to work alongside so many smart, talented women has enriched my life in countless ways and given me so many opportunities to pass along the lessons I’ve learned to the younger women I have the privilege to mentor.
Through my volunteering I’ve also met new sisters from other chapters who became close friends. When I moved from the Boston area to New York City and eventually to Connecticut, it was my Phi Sigma Sigma network that helped me meet new people, learn about my new hometowns and build a community in each new place.
TS: Reflecting on your journey, what is one of your proudest accomplishments as a volunteer?
MB: I’m simply proud to say that I’ve been a volunteer for more than 20 years. Over that time, I’ve been part of installing many new chapters and initiating hundreds of new sisters into our organization. Knowing that I’ve been a of part starting other women on their journey as Phi Sigma Sigma sisters and leaders gives me so much joy.
TS: And finally, for those who haven’t had the privilege of receiving your mentorship directly, what advice would you give to sisters who are looking for a way to reengage with the organization?
MB: No matter how long it’s been since you graduated or last volunteered, there is a way for you to get reengaged with Phi Sigma Sigma that will fit into your life. I stepped away from volunteering for almost 10 years after the birth of my son and when I came back, it was for an opportunity that was close to home, which worked for me.
Thanks to technology there are easy things any sister can do to stay connected: update your contact information on your member profile in our website; make a donation to the Phi Sigma Sigma Foundation or join our new private LinkedIn group. Once you’re reconnected, you might see an in-person or virtual volunteer opportunity suits you – don’t hesitate to put yourself out there and fill out the volunteer interest form. Every one of our sisters has something special to contribute to our organization!